Christmas Gift Surprise; I Will Have the Last Laugh!

5:20 AM

Last year I spent Christmas at my sister’s house. She has three kids aged between three and ten. And those kids are fast not to mention oddly squishy. They can crawl under and into just about anything when they’re looking for the Christmas gifts. So last year when I arrived at my sister’s place I was already in stealth mode. For those of you not familiar with the Hit man Game, stealth mode is basically me sneaking around my sister’s house trying to hide something. That something would be Christmas gifts.

I moved into the house when the kids were out playing and my sister helped me hide my Christmas holiday gifts. This wasn’t easy because all the good places were already housing my sister’s Christmas gifts for her family. I actually had to hide some of my smaller Christmas gifts under a loose floor board in the attic. Then there were the Christmas gifts waiting to be wrapped. They included most of my Christmas gifts for my sister so she found out what I was getting her. All surprise was instantly killed and I realized that my hours of shopping for unique Christmas gifts for everyone would amount to nothing when it came to my sister’s gift.

I suspect she even took the one gift I had managed to wrap and shook it to get an idea of what’s inside. Brought me memories of kindergarten, my teacher used to tell us it was very rude to shake a gift before opening it. The house looked more like ‘Operation hides Christmas gifts’ than anything. What I didn’t like was the fact that none of my gifts for my sister would be a surprise. There was only one way around it; super stealth mode (not featured in hit man). I went online and searched for something that could be delivered to my sister’s doorstep as close to Christmas as possible. It had to be something that didn’t need wrapping. There were a lot of Christmas gift baskets out there but they would deliver at least a week before Christmas and the wicker baskets were too big to hide anywhere. I finally stumbled on to these fruit bouquets. They were available in a lot of sizes. They were pretty unique and beautiful to look at. I ordered the small size and asked a neighbor if she’d store it for just one night. Everything worked out! My sister couldn’t close her surprised mouth! She absolutely loved the gift.

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