Christmas Fruit Baskets: An early Christmas gift for my three year old

5:16 AM

Last year I was baking some Christmas cookies and watching my three year old play. I was momentarily distracted when I had to answer the door. When I came back into the kitchen, my three year old had snuck over to the counter, climbed a chair, by passed the cookie jar and found one of his Christmas gifts.

When I cam back to the kitchen he was sitting on the floor peeling the wrapping off. I was absolutely shocked. I had hid it behind the cookie jar for the very reason that he’d be more interested in the cookies than what was behind the cookies, should he ever manage to reach either one of them. So as I stood in the kitchen in utter amazement, my son continued to peel away the wrapping. He was only three and there are just so many things you can say to a three year old.

I took the gift from him and hid it again. He didn’t cry about not being able to open an early Christmas gift and I thought he was ashamed at being caught sneaking early Christmas holiday gifts. I sat him down on the sofa and asked him in a very reasonable voice if he really thought his Christmas gifts would make him just as happy if they weren’t opened on Christmas day. His answer left me speechless. He said I should let him open one or two and we could both find out if he was happier that way! I was actually shocked that an answer like that had come out of a three old, my three old! I tried to reason with him, I told him how hard mommy tries to find unique Christmas gifts for him and that she wants to give him lots of nice surprises on Christmas day. He told me I was trying to concentrate his happiness.

We talked for an hour and it ended with me telling him it was wrong to open Christmas gifts before Christmas day. Two days later I received two Christmas gift baskets from neighbors and I was just going through them when my three year old asks me ‘Mommy, will that present make you happy even if you’re not opening it on Christmas day?’ rats! I tried to explain to him that they were early Christmas gifts. He said he’d like to trade all his Christmas day gifts for early Christmas gifts. I can’t believe he hasn’t even started school yet. After another hour of discussion I decided he could have an early Christmas gift like mine. I thought fruit baskets for Christmas would make a nice early Christmas gift and I found these wonderful edible Christmas gifts made of fruit, they were called fruit bouquets I ordered him one. It had fruit cut like flowers and dipped in chocolate. He graciously shared it with me and told me he was very happy with an early Christmas gift and to ‘keep ‘um coming’

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