Work Place Politics On Christmas

1:24 AM

The one thing I don’t like about work is office politics. And by office politics I don’t mean who’s a democrat and who’s a republican. In a work place issues are like are too far in the background. Our office politics revolves around ‘whose idea for the Christmas party is the best?’ We literally take sides and run actual campaigns to promote our favorite idea. We are a ballot box away from having our Christmas Party theme democratically elected. Right now we just see which side of the room has more people.

I remember a few years ago when we had one such party idea conflict. Someone wanted a Santa Clause theme and someone wanted a snowflake theme. Lines were drawn and we chose sides. My support was with the Snowflakes, not that I have anything against Mr. Clause. But I was working at a junior post at the time and my supervisor was leading the snowflake campaign. The only thing missing was a debate. So people began sending out Christmas holiday gifts like little candy canes to anyone who was still neutral. Some one baked cup cakes and passed them around. There was enough food to feed an army. Other small Christmas gifts were given out as well. My supervisor went around asking for ideas to ‘make our snow flake party happen’. We were slowly forgetting the whole point of the Christmas party.

That’s when I had an idea. But it would be very hard on my resolve. A new store had opened downtown for Christmas Gift baskets. But they weren’t the ordinary Christmas Gift baskets. They came in decorated containers; and held fruit cut magnificently and dipped in gourmet chocolate. My husband was going to buy one for me. After giving myself a very long pep talk I convinced myself to bring the Christmas fruit basket to work. I brought it and placed it by the water cooler; the border between Santa clause and Snow flakes. I have never seen so many thirsty people in my life as I did on that day. Throughout the day people began to see the Snow Flake side of the story. By the end of the day, it was decided that the Christmas party theme would be snowflakes with a Santa Cardboard cut out by the food table. My supervisor was really impressed with my silent efforts for her campaign.

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