Truly Giving Christmas Gifts

3:39 AM

Around Christmas time, a lot of charities go into over drive. They work all year round and Christmas is show time for them. We have several charities working in our locality and we try and contribute to as many as we can and not just in monetary terms. We put in a lot of time and help out with the arrangements. For a few years, the charities have been teaming up around Christmas. They divide the work and that way they have more funds for different things. One charity takes over Christmas dinner, another takes over the Christmas gifts for the kids. Someone else provides for Christmas trees. They all come together to give the under privileged a better Christmas.

When people see the charities working together like this, it makes them want to contribute more. A lot more people put in time to help generate funds. There were some really unique Christmas gifts for the kids last year thanks to the collective effort by everyone and people brought all sorts of Christmas gift baskets and Christmas fruit baskets for the big Christmas dinner. Our neighborhood was really proud of our efforts last year and we’re hoping to do something even bigger and better this year.

I think it’s the true spirit of Christmas, giving and sharing and while we are all busy buying Christmas holiday gifts, we should think of others. A lot of people might say it’s hard to be charitable with the times being so tough and all, but I disagree. We make allowance for everything else. It was in this spirit that I had three fruit baskets delivered to the Christmas dinner being hosted by the charities.

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