Falling For A Christmas Gift

5:03 AM

I used to have a neighbor, George, who was far from light on his feet. He could snag his foot on just about anything. Around the Christmas Holiday, people would refrain from having him over because he was likely to trip on the Christmas holiday decorations and end up setting the house on fire. George knew his falling down rate was very high and he tried to take as many evasive measures as possible. When everyone gave out early Christmas Presents to the neighbors, he would place his on the porch and back away slowly and cautiously. George’s bad mortar skills made it hard on him because not only was he very friendly, he could easily be the life of any party. He was a very thoughtful person and always gave very Unique Christmas gifts.

As careful as George was, one December he fell really bad. I had just delivered a beautiful Christmas fruit basket to my neighbor and she was taking it inside. The fruit basket was big and maybe a little heavy for her. While she tried to get a good grip on it, her keys fell on the pavement. George was walking by and he ran to help her. I don’t know what it was that tripped him, but he fell and took the woman with him. The whole pavement was splattered with fruit and chocolate and the remains of a shattered ceramic container. She yelled at him for a good fifteen minutes. The Christmas fruit baskets that I sent as early Christmas gifts were one of her favorites and she had always been very excited about receiving these Christmas holiday gifts.

I felt really sorry for him. He had just been trying to help. Watching him walk back to his house covered in fruit and chocolate with such a sad look on his face was heart wrenching. But like I said, George was very thoughtful. The next day he bought an even bigger Christmas fruit basket. He was just setting it down on the woman’s porch and backing away cautiously when she came out. She saw the fruit basket and started laughing and crying at the same time. She invited him in for a cup of hot chocolate and some Christmas cookies.

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