Car Lifting Christmas Gifts

2:42 AM

I have sworn never to be part of a car pool. I was part of one once and came away with the conviction that I don’t do carpools. Unfortunately my lady boss who likes to pretend we’re best friends asked me if she could car pool with me for a week. She isn’t exactly my boss, but she is at senior position in another department. It was near Christmas so I felt bad saying no. Besides, it was my car and she was one person. It didn’t have to be so bad. In fact it didn’t have to be bad at all.

On day one we made a lot of formal talk. We asked about each other’s kids, mine were excited abut Christmas hers were spending it with her ex-husband. I changed the topic immediately. Day two; we discussed Christmas trees. It was a lot of small talk. On the third day our conversation skills began to pick up. We discussed Christmas gifts and she complemented me on the Christmas gift baskets that I usually brought to work around the holidays. She said she had given them to friends since they made really unique Christmas gifts. Her Christmas holiday gifts were bought mostly online and she complained about having to pay extra for them to be wrapped.

We were getting along really well; much better than I had thought possible. Until day four hit and she brought her mother with her. Her mother was very old and she asked if I would drop her off at the shopping mall. In my opinion that little old lady shouldn’t be dropped off anywhere on her own. I couldn’t say no, even though I really wanted to. It wasn’t about the gas or anything, it was about the fact that I, that is to say we, would be late for work and I don’t like being late for work.

But we took a very long thirty minute detour and dropped the little mother off. We were late for work and over lunch, I gathered we would be picking up little old mom from the shopping mall. When we arrived at the shopping mall she was standing there with a lot of shopping. It looked as if it would outweigh her. We piled the stuff into the car and then fit little old mom in as best as we could. The fifth day passed in absolute silence. On Saturday a wonderful Christmas fruit baskets was delivered to me. It was accompanied by a note written in shaky hand writing saying, ‘Thank you for helping me with my shopping’. Good deeds pay off.

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